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New Map Preview

RipCharts has released a new map. We've provided some videos and notes below in order to help you get familiar with all of the new features. -RipCharts Staff

Screenshot with notes
1. Menu - Menu of additional map features. Click/Tap to open/close.
2. Layers - Turn on bathymetry lines, currents vectors, altimetry lines, loran grids, labels
3. Overlays - Add additional imagery layers (Altimetry, SST, Chloro, etc). New layers will be added to the layer stack (#7)
4. Spots - Turn on waypoints
5. Tools - Menu of map tools (distance tool, etc)
6. Settings - Customize your map settings such as default temperature units, distance units, etc.
7. Layer Stack - A list of your overlays. You can expand or collapse this list by clicking the icon.
8. Overlay Thumbnail - A thumbnail for your layer. Click the thumbnail to customize this layer (adjust sst, etc)
9. Toggle Visibility - Choose whether to view or hide this layer by clicking the "eye" icon.
10. Customize SST - For SST overlays, you can adjust the Temperature/color palette.
11. Opacity Adjustment - Adjust the opacity of a particular overlay.
12. Remove Overlay - Remove this overlay from your list and map.
13. Information Bar - Click these information cells to quickly toggle the measured units (e.g. Feet -> Meters)